
Know what to emphasize on a Riesling wine label

wine labels

German Riesling wines could come with their own labels.

Wine labels need to be easy to remember if they are to make a significant positive impact on the buyer. Since many different classifications of wines exist, wine producers have to highlight the right characteristics on their bottles depending on what kind of wine they are selling, and customize their label content accordingly. By using a color label printer, companies have more control over exactly what their labels will look like and can highlight important language and label features to their benefit.

An article for Wine Enthusiast by Anne Krebiehl recently looked at some of the specific elements that apply to labels for German Riesling wines. Common terms and regional references tell the experienced purchaser a lot, but might also alienate less familiar customers. In some cases, how prominently winemakers decide to display different words or lines of text is up to them, as is whether or not they choose to translate foreign language.

For example, Krebiehl defines the German words that denote classification and style. “Trocken” technically means “dry” but doesn’t necessarily mean that a wine is dry be default, while Prädikatswein beverages can be ranked on three varying levels of dryness, from “Kabinett, “which has “pronounced aromas and very restrained alcohol” to “Auslese” featuring “more body and substance. German wine labels are complicated, Krebiehl notes, because they have conflicting rankings that apply to different categories.

Following this style, producers could use labeling systems to make pieces for wine bottles that tell customers what they need to know and are still colorful, attractive and distinctive. Being familiar with the typical patterns of wines in the same family or style will help winemakers know what their audience will expect and what the industry requires. With good labeling systems, it’s easy to meet all requirements in one single effective piece.

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