
Individual labels bring color to Diet Coke initiative in Israel

Individual labels printing

Diet Coke in Israel has implemented a unique color labeling campaign to make each bottle an individual.

If you need proof of the power of specially-made unique color labels, look no further than a recent ad campaign from Diet Coke in Israel. Fast Company recently reported on the new labels made for this beverage that diverge from the traditional grey, red, and black color style to something unique for every single bottle in a 2 million-bottle batch.

A video from the beverage maker shows the different patterns put to use, from stripes to bright colors to all sorts of abstract shapes. The company said it used a special algorithm and multiple printers to come up with a new design each time a bottle was filled. This enforces the feeling that each soda is special.

According to Fast Company, the campaign has been successful in Israel, with sales jumping up by more than 2 percent. It has also gone “viral” on the internet, with the different styles being shared through social media.

As AdWeek notes, this campaign echoes earlier ones along similar lines. Previously, Absolut Vodka also used individual, brightly colored packaging to make its bottles stand out, and Coke itself recently tried to make every bottle special by printing names on them to get consumers to buy “their” bottles.

What all of this should show above all is the attraction of unique, eye-catching designs. Businesses that have been avoiding color labels for financial reasons should think about the advantages of having color label printers that will give them the freedom to experiment and make their own packaging. By finding a printer that not only creates color labels but does so at an industrial pace, your company will greatly increase interest in its customer base.

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