
Could sodas in New York soon come with warning labels?

Warning label printing

Soda could come with a special warning label in New York if one bill is passed.

The debate over high-calorie soda consumption in New York City has been ongoing for some time, but the effort has been renewed with proposed legislation that could change the way sodas are sold. A local Assemblyman from District 43, Karim Camara, has suggested a bill, 10172, which would force beverage makers to include a health advisory label on all soda bottles, similar to those on cigarettes.

While New York is not the first state to consider such an initiative, the logo would add information on the possibly damaging “side effects” of sugary drinks. According to a press statement on Camara’s website, the labels would specifically say that “Drinking beverages with added sugar contributes to obesity, diabetes and tooth decay.”

Also in the statement, Camara said that the time was right for manufacturers to take action and reduce the number of people affected by the complications that excessive sugar consumption cause.

“We have a public health crisis, which is a direct result of people consuming too much sugar,” he said. “The research is clear: too much sugar leads to health problems such as obesity and Diabetes. As a society, we have a moral obligation to educate people so they can make healthier choices.”

Although a previous attempt to ban large soda servings failed outright, New York City politicians have been trying for years to exert control over the industry. Even if this label doesn’t actually take effect, companies that have the ability to produce specific labels are at a better position to change with the times. Industrial labeling systems will help your business adapt by giving you the chance to print all the necessary packaging at a pace with your production line.

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