
Can protein powder labels seem both modern and organic?

Nutritional Supplements labels

One protein powder company is trying to convey multiple values in one package.

Product labels that have to convey multiple values at the same have the difficult task of balancing them so as not to confuse the consumer while giving them a clear understanding of the key selling points. Healthcare Packaging recently published a case study of Kura Nutrition, which addressed this issue on its latest line of protein powders by spreading different information over the entirety of its smoothie products.

As the source describes, the powders, which use New Zealand ingredients, are being marketed in a way that is intended to be informative and stylistically clean. While the font and colors stand out and grab attention, the back of the package contains additional information about the contents and company history. This will theoretically give customers details to support their decision to purchase but avoid overwhelming them with too much data at once.

Any protein powder package can address the potential health concerns that come with using it if it wants to assure customers of its value. Simon Endres, Creative Director of the company that helped design Kura’s product line, told the source about the reasoning behind the tactic they took.

Starting with the package itself, Endres said “we saw the opportunity to tell different stories, guiding the customer through the product in a range of ways. From highlighting the products’ New Zealand heritage to telling the story of the process and experience of Kura through photography, the main focal point is the Kura glass on the front of all packaging.”

With color label printers, companies can make preferred designs come to life in various settings, using a versatile system that allows them to adapt for various markets. Easily applicable colored labels also apply to bags or boxes, and other containers, giving companies even more choice.

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