
Bottled water could become bestselling beverage

According to the Beverage Marketing Corporation, bottled water sales could surpass those of other popular beverages, including soda, within two years. Right now, bottled water is just less than 3 percent behind soda in terms of consumption. It already boasts higher figures than soda in certain major cities throughout the country, including New York, Los Angeles and Washington D.C.

What is driving this success for the bottled water industry? The source says it has to do with healthier living, with consumers less interested in sugary products. This trend is not a fad, as sales of bottled water have grown dating back to the 1970's.

For companies that make and sell beverages, it's a good time to think about the way this market could work in your favor. Creating labels that emphasize the healthy qualities of your beverages and then sticking them onto the bottles with a label applicator is a consistent way to promote the product and get a uniform reaction from customers.

Chris Hogan, the vice president of communications for the International Bottled Water Association, said in the release that bottled water has struck a chord with the population. Producing bottled water also reportedly takes less energy.

"Many consumers are making healthier choices for themselves and their families, and they know that safe, convenient, refreshing bottled water has zero calories and is the healthiest option on the shelf," he said. "They also appreciate the reliable, consistent quality of bottled water."

Preparing bottled water for mass consumption, businesses should think about the qualities that make their product preferable and address them on labels with rich, colorful designs and informative captions. These can be made to coordinate with colors familiar from other healthy or "green" initiatives.

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