
Be as descriptive as possible with bottled water labels


Unlike a lot of labels for food products, which may understandably call for the addition of different ingredients, it seems like the labels bottled water companies make should be pretty straightforward, at least when it comes to describing what’s in the bottles. But there could be more that your customer needs to understand, and to convey this properly, your company can turn to a color label printer with the right capabilities to make this a reality.

An article that recently appeared in the Rapid City Journal, written by food safety specialist Sharon Guthmiller, describes the processes that go into making bottled water that consumers are most likely to be ignorant of. For example, how was the water you’re selling treated for chemicals? Was it bottled at a public source, or perhaps taken from an underground mineral spring? What kind of filtration system has it gone through, and what does that mean for the water’s quality?

Guthmiller describes some jargon that someone unfamiliar with the production of water on a mass scale might not know.

“Label information used with bottled water refers to the geological source of water and the treatment methods applied to the water,” Guthmiller writes. “This description does not always describe the geographic location of the source or determine its quality.”

Making labels with a Primera LX 900 printer can counter the lack of proper knowledge out there. A color label printer that comes equipped with an applicator, allowing for labels to be printed directly onto a bottle, can also assure that making these items correctly doesn’t slow down production.

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