
Customizing labels to promote special events

Oftentimes, beer breweries will release seasonal lines for limited runs that will be complete with a special packaging and custom label design to separate it from the usual, evergreen products that make up most of the business. While these are great annual products, they don’t hold the resonance and rarity of something that comes along every four years – much like the Olympic Games that are set to begin this August in London.

Similar to the changing of the seasons, it’s common for companies to produce custom label designs for product promotions that coincide with special events, such as the Olympics. One company that’s taken a hold of this practice is Coca-Cola, who has just released a special line of Olympic themed-labels on its soda cans as well as packages.

“The Coca-Cola Olympic Games campaign highlights the Coca-Cola 8 pack of athletes, graphically captured in action within their sports,” reported The DieLine, a packaging and labeling website. “The designs cleverly use patriotic stripes to convey movement and context for the different sports. The cans will rotate throughout the summer with a new one hitting the market every two weeks, culminating with a can featuring a special composite logo in time for the opening of the Olympic Games.”

While Coca-Cola’s scale of production may be much larger than the vast majority of manufacturers and retailers, other food or beverage producers that are rolling out a limited-edition Olympic-themed product may want to strongly consider how they design their custom labels. Investing in a Primera LX900 Series color label printer can help quickly and efficiently print these short run custom labels.

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